
Anna Belle

Anna Belle graduated from the Primary School with a Bachelor…

Colin Jerry

Colin has over 15 years of experience in…


Picking up a crayon and making marks on paper is often the very first art activity for young children. Drawing requires very little in the way of materials (simply a sheet of paper and a drawing tool), is easy and engaging for all ages and levels of ability, and is usually mess free.

Drawing allows children to:

  • EXPRESS themselves
  • PROCESS their world
  • EXPERIMENT with ideas and techniques
  • MAKE ART anywhere
  • INTERACT with others
  • & develop FINE MOTOR SKILLS

Here are over 75 creative drawing ideas for kids! These ideas, activities, and posts that include drawing games, creative drawing prompts, and experimenting with unique drawing surfaces. In addition, there is information for parents about drawing supplies, how to talk to kids about art, and drawing at different ages.
